Baituna Al Talhami Museum

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In describing the museum, the late President of the Arab Women’s Union said that is “one of the few authentic old houses left in Bethlehem, similar to the house in which Jesus was born." Mrs. Dabdoud dedicated her life to such projects, and even donated her entire collection of furniture, photographs and artefacts that are exhibited in the museum’s upper floor. Baituna Al Talhami, or Our Bethlehem Home, is strategically located on Star Street; a few minutes walk from the Church of the Nativity, the Mosque of Omar and the Bethlehem Municipality. It is on the top of the list of most visitors who come to Bethlehem, as it features the most exquisite collection of cultural heritage in Palestine. The museum was first established by the Bethlehem Arab Women’s Union in the late 1940’s. Today, it consists of two traditional houses in the middle of a hosh, consisting of a kitchen, a diwan, an attic, and a bedroom. It boasts a massive collection of old photographs, vintage furniture and artifacts, portraying life in Bethlehem from 1900 up until 1932. In 1971, a folklore museum was officially established featuring a collection of traditional Palestinian household items that were donated by Bethlehemites. In 1972, the ground floor was renovated to house the embroidery center, which is run by women who seamed, stitched, and exhibited their work at the museum’s showroom.

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  • Address: Bethlehem, Star Street

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